JING TING’s Portfolio

I’m Jing Ting, an engineer with a passion to design and develop products that explore the ways humans interact with technology, media and society, and to provide value to others.

Connect with me here:

What I do

I am the lead programmer for SEDAP!, and my main role is to develop the gameplay systems and workflows for our team.

I organised Global Game Jam for Singapore in 2022 and 2023 as a student-led initiative with a team of friends.

In 2022, we put together several activities leading up to the game jam, such as workshops and talks for students interested in game development.

Join our Discord server
Instagram: @globalgamejam.sg

(2023 publicity by @xon_arts)

Work Experiences

Past Projects

Designing an affective robot companion

(Undergraduate Final Year Project) Design and develop the form and function of a quadruped robotic pet.


(UI/UX Design Exercise) Concept and Figma prototype for a Mixed Reality (MR) application on a hypothetical futuristic MR device for teaching dance moves and choreographies.


(Interaction Design Group Project) A unified and centralized platform to check trading card’s prices and allow users to build and maintain their card collection..

Super Janitor

(AR Game) ARCore mobile game to pick up trash that appears on the ground and defeat the litterbug.